Privacy Policy

We Oblige!

1. i-Customyzo is committed to always protecting the privacy and personal information of Users. i-Customyzo recognizes that this information belongs to the User, and will treat such information accordingly.  i-Customyzo will not disclose any Personally Identifiable Information or confidential information of any User to any third parties, except as outlined in this Privacy Policy or as may be required by law.

2.  Visitors to the i-Customyzo Website are not required to register or provide any Personally Identifiable Information to access the i-Customyzo site or review the products and services offered.  i-Customyzo collects non-personal information to track the total number of guests visiting the i-Customyzo site and to help i-Customyzo improve the site and the services available on the site.  Such non-personal information includes the browser type and operating system being used by visitors, areas of the sites visited, date and time of access, host or service provider information, and identification of the referring site.  This information is used exclusively for i-Customyzo`s internal purposes and is not disclosed to any third parties.

3. i-Customyzo may disclose the User’s Personally Identifiable Information to any successor-in-interest of i-Customyzo, such as a company that acquires i-Customyzo and its assets.  Users will be notified by e-mail or notice on the i-Customyzo Website of any change in ownership or control of Personally Identifiable Information.

4. You will not hold i-Customyzo responsible for other users’ Content, actions or inactions, or collaborations. We have no control over and do not guarantee the quality, safety, or legality of collaborations advertised, the truth or accuracy of users’ Content, the ability of parties to deliver on collaborations, or that the parties will complete a transaction. We cannot guarantee continuous or secure access to our services, and the operation of the Website may be interfered with by numerous factors outside of our control. Accordingly, to the extent legally permitted, we exclude all implied warranties, terms, and conditions related to the use thereof. We are not liable for any loss of money, goodwill, or reputation, or any special, indirect, or consequential damages arising out of your use of the Website and services. Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of warranties or exclusion of damages, so such disclaimers and exclusions may not apply to you. You must ensure that your access to the Website and i-Customyzo Service is not illegal or prohibited by laws that apply to you.

5. If you use any of our trademarks about our products or services, you must include a statement attributing that trademark to us, and only after securing prior written permission from i-Customyzo to do so, which may be given, or refused, at its sole discretion, and subject to any terms or conditions it may deem fit. You must not use any of our trademarks in or as the whole or part of your trade marks; in connection with activities, products or services which are not ours; in a manner which may be confusing, misleading or deceptive; or in a manner that disparages us or our information, products, or services (including this Website), or in a manner that implies any kind of any association/affiliation with i-Customyzo.

6. i-Customyzo may contract with various third parties to help provide, maintain, and improve the i-Customyzo Website and services. i-Customyzo may also contract with third parties to help manage, monitor, and optimize the i-Customyzo Website and services and to assist in measuring the effectiveness of advertising, communications, and use of the i-Customyzo Website. i-Customyzo will use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent such third parties from disclosing Personally Identifiable Information, except to provide the services in question.  However, i-Customyzo can not guarantee that such third parties will not disclose User information.

7. i-Customyzo is committed to preventing any unauthorized access to each User’s account.  i-Customyzo has taken reasonable steps to maintain procedures and technology designed to prevent such unauthorized access.  However, the privacy and security of communication or data transmission over the internet cannot be guaranteed, because the internet is not a secure medium.  i-Customyzo has taken reasonable steps to protect against unauthorized access to User’s accounts and Personally Identifiable Information used to administer User’s accounts. However, i-Customyzo does not assume any responsibility for any harm, loss, or damage the User may experience or incur by the sending of personal and confidential information over the internet by or to i-Customyzo.

8. i-Customyzo has all rights to change the price of the product or the addition or removal of any product and can change accordingly abided by our privacy policy and the content of the pages available on the website is for your concern and your concern only, it can be altered or changed with our full discretion.

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